b'365Pencils & Graphite for Drawing & SketchingGraphic Pencil Sets- by DerwentProduct code Description MOQ PQ RRPTAAGT6 A Tin of 6 Assorted 1 6 10.19Contains: 2H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8BTAAGST B Sketching Tin (Soft)1 6 20.5012 Pencils- Grades 9B - HTAAGDT C Designer Tin (Medium)1 6 20.5012 Pencils- Grades 6B - HTAAGTT D Technical Tin (Hard)1 6 20.5012 Pencils - Grades B - 9HTAAG24 E Tin of 241 6 40.49 Assorted Grades Grades/Codes:DarkerLighter9B 8B 7B6B5B 4B3B 2BBHB FH 2H 3H4H 5H6H7H8H9H BCAEDFax: 0161 902 3801 Sales order line: 0161 902 3800'