b'339Face Painting ColoursFace Paint Sticks- by SnazarooReady to use, easy to remove and non-toxic. These face painting sticks are perfect for use on the go. Snazaroo Face painting sticks can be applied directly on to skin without water, making them perfect for on-the-go.Remove the top wrapper before you start! Removal is as easy as application; all colours can be washed-off effortlessly with soap and water.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPOOASPSB A Adventure Paint Sticks 14 4.99 AOOASPSGB Fantasy Paint Sticks 14 4.99 OOASPSH C Halloween Paint Sticks 14 4.99 OOASPSUD Rainbow Paint Sticks 14 4.99 BBrush Pens- by SnazarooFace paint with a brilliant new twist. No more separate water, brushes or sponges. Easy to use and with less mess.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPOOASBPFA Fantasy 14 10.00 OOASBPM B Monochrome 14 10.00 COOASBPJC Jungle 14 10.00DOOASBPA D Adventure 14 10.00OOASBPHE Halloween 14 10.00BA C D EFax: 0161 902 3801 Sales order line: 0161 902 3800'