b'166Artists Quality Oil PaintArtists Oil Colour- by Daler-RowneyArtists Oil Colours are professional-quality paints, designed for durabilityand permanence and made using only the very best materials available.Only the best pigments are used regardless of cost, to ensure absolute perfection for the discerning artist. The distinctive buttery consistency ofDaler-Rowney Artists Oils derives from the use of linseed oil and wax,which acts as a plasticiser, helping to prevent even heavy impasto from becoming brittle and cracking over time. Made in England.Product code Description MOQ PQ RRPRDAAOC38*** 38ml Tube Series A 1 1 8.75RDAAOC38*** 38ml Tube Series B 1 1 8.75 RDAAOC38*** 38ml Tube Series C 1 1 12.50RDAAOC38*** 38ml Tube Series E 1 1 19.50 RDAAOC38*** 38ml Tube Series F 1 1 28.75 When specifying the colour, quote the number after the code.Colour Range:CodeSeries CodeSeriesCodeSeries652Rowney PrimroseE 437Purple LakeC 643 Indian YellowC668 Naples Yellow 1B 409 Permanent MagentaC 645 Italian PinkC669 Naples Yellow 2B 441 Red VioletC 215 Brown PinkC670Naples Yellow 3B 405 Cobalt VioletF 663 Yellow OchreA651Lemon YellowA 415 Mineral VioletC 677 Transparent Gold OchreA611Cadmium Yellow PaleE 413 Permanent MauveB 667 Raw SiennaA674Rowney YellowB 135 Prussian BlueB 577 Flesh TintA612Cadmium YellowE 127 IndigoA 655 Mars YellowA601AureolinF 107 Indanthrene BlueC 211 Brown OchreA627Chrome Lemon (Hue)C 136 Monestial Blue (Phthalo)A 654 Mars OrangeA623Chrome Yellow (Hue)C 111 CoeruleumF 221 Burnt SiennaA613Cadmium Yellow DeepE 109 Cobalt BlueE 527 Light RedA673 Rowney Golden YellowC 137 Permanent BlueB 583 Venetian RedA626Chrome Orange (Hue)C 123 French UltramarineA 411 Mars VioletA615Cadmium OrangeE 147 Monestial Turquoise (Phthalo) C 207 Brown Madder (Alizarin)A564Rowney RedE 310 Cadmium GreenE 260 Rowney Transparent BrownC501Cadmium RedE 301 Alizarin GreenC 223 Burnt UmberA588Vermillion (Hue)C 375 Sap GreenC 247 Raw UmberA507Cadmium ScarletE 362 Monestial Green (Phthalo)C 264 Vandyke Brown (Hue)A560Rose Dor (Alizarin)C 354 Hookers Green No.2C 251 SepiaB502Cadmium Red DeepE 379 Terre Verte (Hue)C 065 Paynes GreyB569Scarlet AlizarinE 313 Chrome Green (Hue)C 034 Ivory BlackA571Scarlet LakeC 367 Opaque Oxide of Chromium C 035 Lamp BlackA515Crimson AlizarinC 371 Rowney EmeraldC 033 Blue BlackB565Rowney RoseC 382 Viridian HueC 009 Titanium WhiteA520Permanent GeraniumC 325 Cobalt Green DeepE 001 Zinc WhiteB509CarmineC 372 Rowney OliveC514Crimson LakeC 363 Olive GreenC Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'