b'508Gel Ink Rollerball PensUM-120 Signo Gel Pen- by Uni-ballThis super-smooth and quick drying rollerball is a market leader andall-round favourite. So much so that smooth ink, colour variety andlong-lasting performance have become synonymous with the Signo brand. Line width 0.4mm (0.7mm ball).MEDIUM Product code Description MOQ PQUUM120** UM-120 Signo -1 12Available in 3 Colours 0.7mmWhen specifying the colour, quote the letter after the code.UUM120AC UM-120AC Signo Pastel White 1 12UUM120AC Pastel WhiteBKBUR Black Blue RedUM-120NM- by Uni-ballThese Signo gel pens are filled with metallic ink. Line width 0.8mm.Product code Description MOQ PQUUM120NM** UM-120NM Signo Metallic Gel1 12Pens - Available in 8 ColoursWhen specifying the colour, quote the letter after the code.GSBBURGNVP Gold Silver Bronze Blue Red Green Violet Pink Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'