b'192Oil Painting MediumsEnglish Distilled Turpentine - by Winsor & NewtonA highly refined essential oil used as a diluent for oil colours and brush cleaning. It is a water white, volatile, flammable liquid with a characteristic odour and greater wetting properties than white spirit. Store in the dark in full bottles as exposure to air and light causes thickening.Product code Description MOQ PQRCFEDT75 Distilled Turpentine - 75ml 1 3RCFEDT250 Distilled Turpentine - 250ml 1 1RCFEDT500 Distilled Turpentine - 500ml 1 1RCFEDT1L Distilled Turpentine - 1L 1 1Sansodor (Low Odour Solvent) - by Winsor & NewtonA low odour diluent alternative to Artists White Spirit. It is slow to evaporate and therefore useful in controlling oil and alkyd colours. Low flammability.Product code Description MOQ PQRCFS75 Sansodor - 75ml 1 3RCFS250 Sansodor - 250ml 1 1RCFS500 Sansodor - 500ml 1 1RCFS1L Sansodor - 1L 1 1 Web: www.artstat.co.uk Email: action@artstat.co.uk'