b'389Coloured PencilsColoursoft Pencils- by DerwentA round 8 ply pencil with a 4mm colour strip. Cedar wood barrel, tough and durable but still soft enough to sharpen to a fine point for detailed illustrations. Coloursoft is acid-free and has superior lightfast qualities.Product code Description MOQ PQTAACSP**0 Coloursoft Pencils1 6All Colours (72)When specifying the colour, quote the number after the code.Colour Range: Code Code Code01Cream25Purple49Pale Mint 02Acid Yellow26Bright Lilac50Lichen Green 03Lemon Yellow27Royal Purple51Brown 04Deep Cadmium28Blackberry52Dark Brown 05Yellow Ochre29Ultramarine53Pale Brown 06Pale Orange 30Indigo54Pimento 07Orange31Prussian Blue55Ginger 08Bright Orange32Electric Blue56Peach 09Blood Orange33Blue57Pale Peach 10Rose34Baby Blue58Light Sand 11Scarlet35Iced Blue59Ochre 12Red36Cloud Blue 60Mid Brown13Deep Red37Pale Blue61Dark Terracotta 14Deep Fuchsia38Sea Green62Mid Terracotta 15Cranberry39Grey Green63Brown Earth 16Loganberry40Mid Green64Brown Black 17Soft Pink41Dark Green65Black 18Blush Pink 42Green66Persian Grey 19Pink43Pea Green67Dove Grey 20Bright Pink44Light Green68Petrel Grey 21Pink Lavender45Yellow Green69Steel Grey 22Grey Lavender 46Lime Green70Mid Grey 23Pale Lavender47Mint71White Grey 24Bright Purple 48Lincoln Green 72WhiteSales order line: 0161 902 3800'