Disc Plate Hangers
Gummed discs for hanging porcelain, china, earthenware, glass plates and plaques. These discs are an invisible answer to ugly plate wires since there are no clips or hooks.
First, clean the back of the plate, even if the plate is new. Vigorously rub in a little scouring cream or powder. Rinse clean and allow to dry.
Using your fingers, mix a little water into the glue on the disc. Leave for 5-10 minutes until the glue is tacky.
Apply the disc to the plate ensuring that the ring is in the correct position for the plate design. Press firmly and rub well to expel any air. Leave overnight to dry.
Before hanging, test strength of adhesion by pulling firmly on the ring.
To remove a disc, soak the plate in warm water.
The disc also has excellent adhesion to wood, hardboard and blockboard - ideal for hanging small pictures, plaques and embroideries, etc.